The Catholic Ceremony In Abruzzo, Lazio and Umbria, as well as in the rest of Italy, weddings celebrated with Catholic ceremony are certainly the majority. It could not be otherwise given all the beautiful churches that fill our territory and the history that characterizes us. 

Whether you decide to marry according to the Catholic ceremony for a matter of style or because you are moved by a deep faith, in any case it is a choice that will give your marriage a special value. You will crown your history in a sacred place, vowing eternal love: what can be more romantic?

The fundamentals of the Catholic ceremony 

At the basis of marriage, according to the Catholic Church, is to give oneself to one another, in a bond of love, fidelity and mutual support. All this is promised in front of God at the most solemn and moving moment of the entire ceremony. The bond sealed by the oath is indissoluble, or at least should be. For this reason, according to the canonical rules, those who have a divorce behind them could not remarry in church… Although, at present, there is much more flexibility as regard as this aspect. 

A fundamental step, before the Catholic ceremony, is to fulfill all the administrative practices in the municipality of your city– from L’Aquila to Rieti, from Orvieto to Terni– so that the marriage has also civil validity. After that it comes one of the most exciting milestones: the publications of the wedding announcement. From that day on, everything seems much more real to you as future spouses and loved ones! 

It is obvious that at that point there can be another key element: the date of the ceremony. You can choose the one you prefer, considering, however, that you can not get married on Good Friday and that, in many churches, if you want to get married on Sunday you will have to do it within the normal festive mass. 

Finally, in order to have a Catholic wedding, there are certain requirements that are requested. First of all, the sacraments: in order to be able to marry you in church, in Abruzzo, in Lazio, in Umbria or in other regions, you must have received baptism and confirmation. If one of you two future spouses is not baptized or confirmed, you will have to take the steps to receive the sacrament before marriage… or even during the ceremony itself. 

A passage that is morally obligatory but which, if omitted, will not prevent you from getting married is the pre-marriage course. This is a series of meetings (usually about ten) in which various aspects of married and family life are explored through the Catholic perspective. The topics covered range from the sacrament of marriage to the psychology of the couple, passing through sexuality and the raising of children. You might think that these appointments are a burden– especially if you are not particularly believers– but in reality they can offer interesting points of reflection… in addition to have the possibility to create new friendships with other young couples who have chosen to marry in Catholic ceremony.

Where can a Catholic ceremony in Abruzzo, Lazio or Umbria be held? 

Traditionally, the wedding ceremony takes place in the parish of one of the two future spouses– or both of them, if you have met during the afternoon at the oratory when you were little. 

It can happen, however, that you wish to marry for various reasons in a church other than your usual one.Perhaps because you need to celebrate your wedding in a place close to the reception location, or because your parish doesn’t have a large enough church to accommodate all the guests.

It is possible that you have always simply dreamed of getting married in a particular church, for personal reasons of a particular affection or style. 

Whatever the reason is, you will have to make specific steps: explain to your parish priest the reason for the request, send a formal application to the curia and, once you have received the authorization, contact the parish priest of the church that you have chosen in order to decide together a date.

Try to do all this in advance, so as not to risk finding the church busy on the day you prefer. What you can do, if that is your choice is to address yourself to your priest, then give him a letter where you will clearly write down the reasons for your request. At that point, he will act as intermediary with the bishop of the diocese, the one who will have the last word… positive, possibly! 

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How does the Catholic wedding ceremony take place? 

Prima di tutto, dovete sapere che le cerimonie cattoliche seguono sempre la stessa struttura ma non sono tutte uguali. Durante il periodo del corso prematrimoniale, infatti, avrete anche modo di scegliere le letture e le musiche che preferite, personalizzando la vostra cerimonia. Di conseguenza, potrete personalizzare i libretti per la messa, da consegnare agli invitati o da far trovare sui banchi al loro ingresso in chiesa. In questo modo, tutti coloro che parteciperanno potranno seguire più facilmente la cerimonia, cogliendo ogni attimo con commozione e coinvolgimento.

Ma veniamo allo svolgimento vero e proprio: quali sono gli elementi immancabili nel matrimonio con cerimonia cattolica?

  • Il rito d’ingresso.
    È forse uno dei momenti più emozionanti, sia per gli sposi che per parenti e amici. Lo sposo in attesa all’altare che ammira, sorridente, la sua compagna che percorre la navata vestita di bianco. La sposa, commossa, che muove passi incerti a braccetto col padre o con la persona prescelta per accompagnarla verso l’amore della sua vita.
    Anche se optate per un ingresso in chiesa meno tradizionale, sarà comunque un momento denso di sentimenti positivi.
  • The ritual entrance into the Church
    This is perhaps one of the most exciting times for both spouses and family and friends. The groom waiting at the altar admiring, smiling, his companion walking down the aisle dressed in white. The wife, moved, who moves uncertain steps in arm with her father, or with the person chosen to accompany her, to the love of her life. 
  • Even if you opt for a less traditional church entrance, it will still be a time full of positive feelings. 
  • The rite of baptism and the renewal of promises.
    In this phase, the sacrament of baptism coexists with the one of marriage: in the religious point of view it is a fundamental passage. 
  • The readings and the homily.
    This is the fullest part of the function and it is precisely there that the readings you have chosen will find space, eventually declaimed by some of your guests, which they will feel even more integral part of your Catholic ceremony in this way . The homily may also prove to be very heartfelt and moving, especially if you have a strong bond with your parish priest. In that case, in fact, his reflections will probably be closely linked to anecdotes about you and influenced by the affection he created over the years. 
  • Liturgy of marriage and exchange of faiths.
    Here we are at the heart of the ceremony: this is the moment when the rituals of marriage are being faced. Here you will have to recite the formulas of the ritual… yes, those which make you moved only through the thinking of them. Try to hold back the tears, or at least not to shake your voice too much, when you pronounce the fateful “Ideo” which will bind you for life, exchanging the faiths that symbolize your union. 
  • Offers, Eucharist and final blessing.
    After this emotional peak, the Catholic ceremony moves towards the conclusion, with the Eucharist– first for the spouses, then for all the participants in the mass– and the collection of offerings. This is also one of the moments when music can become the protagonist, especially if you plan to have a choir or musicians to accompany your special day. Finally, the pastor blesses the newlyweds and all the faithful present, and the ceremony can be considered concluded. 
  • Civil side of it.
    While friends and relatives leave the church (and prepare to welcome you with laughter and funny jokes), there is a final task left for spouses and witnesses. The priest will read the articles of the Civil Code related to marriage, and after that you will all have to put your signatures on the official register.

At this point, you will be officially husband and wife, in front of God and in front of the law! 

Marriage with Catholic ceremony: how to preserve a clear memory? 

In moments as full of emotion as your marriage, it is very common to feel that you can’t fully enjoy everything. In this way, moments full of love and emotion risk getting confused in the whirlwind of that day. 

Fortunately, photographs and videos can help you have clear and meaningful memories of your ceremony. A professional photographer will be able to grasp all your nuances: from the glances related to the understanding to the smiles of joy, from the hands that tremble with emotion during the exchange of the rings to the love enclosed in the first kiss as husband and wife. 

It is even better to have someone at your side who can make a video of the most important moments. Imagine how nice it will be to listen to your wedding vows or the music that accompanied you one towards the other during your entrance to the church. 

With the support of photographs and videos, your marriage will remain clear and intense throughout life… as your love!